Indianapolis Recorder quotes PSL member on worker’s struggles

Photo: Robert Hughes, a food service worker at IUPUI, is also a union steward for Unite HERE Local 23. (Photo provided by Robert Hughes via Indianapolis Recorder).

Tyler Fenwick‘s recent piece for the Indianapolis Recorder focuses on the struggle to build union power and to organize working-class power in the face of non-stop assaults by capitalists.

Fenwick allows union members and organizers to speak, and asked Derek Ford, of the Indianapolis branch of the Party for Socialism, his thoughts.

In the article, he quotes Ford who highlights the connection between imperialism and capitalism:

“There are still a lot of opportunities within capitalism, Ford said, because the money is there. He pointed out there seems to have been more debate about giving people a $1,400 stimulus check than there is when it comes to the budget for the Pentagon, which sits at about $700 billion.”

Previously, on December 10, Fenwick wrote an excellent report on PSL Indianapolis’ activities. You can read that here.
