Independent Black Friday: Revolutionary reads and lyrics

Friday, November 29
2:00 – 7:00 pm
Indianapolis Liberation Center

This year, the Fonseca-Du Bois Gallery and Liberation Store are giving a new meaning and spirit to “Black Friday” and “Small Business Saturday” with one day celebrating the revolutionary legacy of African and Black/New Afrikan freedom fighters.

Stop by the Center to browse deals on the Store’s range of literature, posters, buttons, t-shirts, and other unique items to help you or your loved ones (of all ages!) study and struggle.

Stay for an hour of liberatory lyricism featuring local poets like Bree Flannelly, a published poet, author, and freedom fighter in her own right. Flannelly’s work explores Black womanhood in the Midwest sharing experiences of growing up in Indiana.

We’re unveiling a new series of original 11×17 poster prints featuring revolutionary freedom fighters like Titina Silá, Paul Robeson, and Kwame Nkrumah. Each print from this and other collections is a constant source of revolutionary optimism that belongs hanging as decor in any room.

Featured photo: Poet Earle A. Patrick performing at a Lyrical Revolt. Credit: ANSWER Coalition.
