Imagining a socialist future: A panel discussion

Thursday, August 31, 4:30 PM
IUPUI Campus Center Room 406
420 University Boulevard, Indianapolis IN, 46202

The Indianapolis Liberation Center is posting this event on behalf of Students for Socialism.

From crushing student debt, to the impoverishment and de-skilling of academic and educational labor, to right-wing attacks on curriculums and freedom of speech, the capitalist education system fails us spectacularly. In what ways does the current education system uphold oppression based on class, race, gender, ability, etc.? What solutions would be available to us in a socialist future?

Students for Socialism has invited a panel of educators to help start this discussion. This panel will include Caitlin Howlett, Assistant Professor of Education Studies at DePauw University. Joining her will be Derek Ford, Associate Professor of Education Studies at DePauw University, and Diego Padilla, an Adjunct Professor teaching English at IUPUI.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn about and discuss these issues!
