Nine days of savings: Liberation Center book sale

Give the gift of revolutionary optimism this holiday season with nine days of deals courtesy of Indy’s only liberated space! We are pleased to offer a variety of texts spanning several ideologies that can support you, your friends, and your loved ones’ social and political development whether you are new to organizing or have been a leader in our movement for decades. From art and aesthetics to queer and feminist theory, anti-imperialism and beyond, the Indy Liberation Store has your next favorite book waiting for you.

When you choose to make your purchase through the Liberation Store, you are not only supporting your own study and growth, but you are also sustaining an incredibly valuable community space at the Indianapolis Liberation Center. If you value the work that we do, consider making a one-time donation or become a sustainer! Thank you for your support!

12/16:  10% off all Art and Aesthetics 

Our art and aesthetics selection includes works on Motown and the Black Liberation struggle, the aesthetics of revolutionary struggle, and anti-fascist choreography. Here are a few of texts belonging to this collection: 

  • Rancière and Emancipatory Art Pedagogies: The Politics of Childhood Art by Hayon Park
  • Black Farmers in America by John Francis Ficara
  • Dancing in the Street: Motown and the Cultural Politics of Detroit by Suzanne E. Smith

12/17: 10% off all Women’s Liberation and LGBTQ Studies

Capialism subjects women and LGBTQ people to special oppression. Explore the interconnected history of our centuries-long struggle for liberation in Women Fight Back and other books in our collection!

  • Let the Record Show: A Political History of ACT UP New York, 1987-1993 by Sarah Schulman
  • The Feminist History Reader edited by Sue Morgan
  • Women Fight Back: The Centuries-Long Struggle for Liberation by Donna Goodman

12/18: 10% off all Palestine, Latin America, and Liberation Media—Our anti-imperialist collection 

We’ve got works documenting the history of victorious anti-colonial struggles, contemporary U.S. strategy, and the lessons we must learn from the wars against Libya and Syria. Take a look at a few anti-imperialist titles in our collection: 

  • China’s Revolution And The Quest For A Socialist Future by Ken Hammond
  • Palestine, Israel, and the US Empire, 2nd ed. by Richard Becker
  • Fighting For Cuba! Fighting For Socialism! by Miguel Díaz-Canel

12/19: 10% off all Radical and Higher Education 

As a store specializing in radical education and pedagogy, we’ve got a wide range of accessibly-priced books that not only critique the role of education in upholding injustices, but analyze and imagine the role of pedagogy in freedom struggles.

  • Keywords in Radical Philosophy and Education: Common Concepts for Contemporary Movements by Derek Ford
  • Students of Color and the Achievement Gap: Systemic Challenges, Systemic Transformations by Richard R. Valencia 
  • Revolutionary Education: Theory and Practice for Socialist Organizers by Nino Brown

12/20: 10% off all Revolutionary Critical Pedagogy

From Pedagogy of the Oppressed to the works of Freire’s comrade and founder of “revolutionary critical pedagogy,” Peter McLaren, find the educational praxis used from Guinnea-Bissau and Cuba to Korea and Ethiopia!

  • Critical Pedagogy: Where Are We Now? edited by Peter McLaren and Joe L. Kincheloe
  • Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 50th Anniversary Edition by Paulo Freire
  • Multiculturalism, Dialectical Thought, and Social Justice Pedagogy by Daniel Ian Rubin

12/21: 10% off all Black Liberation and New Afrikan Studies

These are some of our collected resources to aid in the ongoing struggle for the liberation of the oppressed Black/New Afrikan nation inside this country!

  • The Right To Be Free: Fighting For Liberation Behind Enemy Lines by Shaka Shakur
  • The Black Belt Thesis: A Reader foreward by Eugene Puryear
  • We Are Each Other’s Harvest by Natalie Baszile

12/22: 10% off all Ethnic and Indigenous Studies

Delve into the myriad ways-from enviromental eduation and student protests to the politics of assessment and Indian Boarding schools-national and ethnic groups are oppressed and how they have and continue to resist!

  • Transformative Ethnic Studies in Schools: Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Research by Christine E. Sleeter and Miguel Zavala
  • Deculturalization and the Struggle for Equality by Joel Spring
  • Read Aloud Handbook for Native American Children by Lauren Waukau-Villagomez and Samantha J. Villagomez

12/23: 10% off all Police and Prisons

Our police and prison literature features practical wisdom from people like Leon Benson, current political prisoner Skaka A. Shakur, and others who have been subjected to this brutal form of state violence, as well as organizers who’ve dedicated their lives to this struggle.

  • A World without Police: How Strong Communities Make Cops Obsolete by George Ciccariello-Maher
  • A People’s Guide to Abolition and Disability Justice by Katie Tastrom
  • Shackled And Chained: Mass Incarceration in Capitalist America by Eugene Puryear

12/24: 10% off all Political Praxis 

Whatever your ideology, our selection of texts from the traditions and founders of Maoism, Leninism, Latin-American socialism, and anarchist theory will challenge and expand your capacity to organize.

  • Socialist Education in Korea: Selected Writings of Kim Il-Sung
  • Stalin: History and Critique of a Black Legend by Domenico Losurdo
  • Reclaiming Communist Philosophy: Marx, Lenin, Mao, and the Dialectics of Nature by Wilson Au

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