Hands off Venezuela! Solidarity statement from ANSWER Indiana

On January 23, the Trump White House recognized unknown Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó as that country’s President in a blatant attempt to end the Bolivarian Revolution under the leadership of the democratically elected President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro. That same day through the end of the week, progressives around the world rallied to the defense of Venezuela against the attempted CIA-backed coup.

In Indianapolis, progressives and socialists organized a rally outside the office of Senator Todd Young to deliver this message of solidarity:

Somos activistas de la Coalición ANSWER, que significa “Actúa ahora para acabar con la guerra y terminar el racismo,” y miembros del Partido por el Socialismo y la Liberación en Indianápolis, Indiana, Estados Unidos. Nos solidarizamos con el pueblo venezolano. Estamos aquí, fuera de la oficina del senador Todd Young, para decir:

Apoyamos al presidente legítimo constitucional, Nicolás Maduro Moros, y la Revolución Bolivariana. Rechazamos el golpe de estado contra Venezuela, orquestado por la Casa Blanca de Trump, Mike Pence, y la CIA.

Decimos: “¡Fuera las manos yanquis de Venezuela! ¡Viva Chávez! ¡Viva Maduro! ¡Viva la Revolución Bolivariana!”

English translation

We are activists with the ANSWER Coalition, Act Now to Stop War and End Racism, and the Party for Socialism and Liberation in Indianapolis, Indiana. We stand in solidarity with the Venezuelan people. We are here, outside the office of Senator Todd Young, to say:

We support the legitimate, constitutional president, Nicolas Maduro Moros, and the Bolivarian Revolution. We reject the coup d’état against Venezuela, orchestrated by the Trump White House, Mike Pence, and the CIA.

We say: “Yankee hands off Venezuela! Long live Chávez! Long live Maduro! Long live the Bolivarian Revolution!”
