Get involved

The Indianapolis Liberation Center is a place where anyone and everyone who wants to can unite with others and struggle for justice and liberation. As a completely volunteer-staffed organization, we rely on the dedication and commitment of people like you and are dedicated to developing existing and future leaders.

You can volunteer with us whether you are a newcomer to the struggle or a veteran of movements. You can volunteer with us whether your work expertise or area of interest is in education, the arts, mobilizing protests, knocking on doors, organizing your neighbors, distributing mutual aid, and the list goes on.

It takes all kinds of people and backgrounds to make change, and it takes organization to bring those people together so that we all learn from and teach each other. We look forward to working with you to build a better Indianapolis!

After filling out the form below, the next step is to show up to one of our actions or programs. Please email us ahead of time so we can ensure there is an organizer available to meet with you.

Volunteer with your Center!

To volunteer with a specific member-organization, please visit their websites and fill out their specific sign-up forms:

Join us at an Upcoming Event!
