Hope Packages co-founder speaks at Poor People’s Campaign action

On the morning of March 2, nearly 100 people rallied and marched at the Statehouse for the Indiana Poor People’s Campaign event. The Indianapolis mobilization was part of the Campaign’s Mass Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers’ Statehouse Assemblies.

Anna Chalker, who covered the action for WTHR13, quoted Liberation Center organizer Doris Jones, who spoke at the rally. Jones, who is member of PSL Indianapolis is also the co-director of Hope Packages, which is now an independent project of the Liberation Center, that Jones and her son started in January 2021.

Watch video of the action

“It’s all about people, if you can’t put yourself in other people’s shoes, they why are you here?” Doris Jones said. Jones wears those shoes every day, she’s experienced homelessness and had to find extra jobs to support her family… “All of us did not choose to be in this position, we all want the best for our kids, we all want the best for our next future,” she said.

The Poor People’s Campaign is a crucial movement whose goals are encapsulated in this introductory sentence to their Third Reconstruction:

Drawing on the transformational history of the First Reconstruction following the Civil War and the Second Reconstruction of the civil rights struggles of the 20th century, the Third Reconstruction is a revival of our constitutional commitment to establish justice, provide for the general welfare, end decades of austerity, and recognize that policies that center the 140 million poor and low-income people in the country are also good economic policies that can heal and transform the nation.

The Poor People’s Campaign

Featured photo: Doris Jones speaks at the Hands off Rafah! rally hours after the Poor People’s Campaign action. Credit: PSL Indianapolis.
