Community meeting with Hogsett about IMPD killings

Tuesday, December 5
12:00 pm
Indianapolis Mayor’s Office
200 E. Washington St.

As if things couldn’t get any worse in the Indianapolis state force’s assault on our people, especially our Black and other oppressed communities, on December 1 the IMPD admitted one of the more than dozen murders they committed this year has little to no bodycam footage. This, of course, did not stop them from releasing their highly biased “critical incident” video of officer Ryan Thomas shooting Antoine Beech in early October.

As police shootings, killings, and intimidation reach extraordinary levels, our City-County government sits idly by, effectively giving the Sheriffs and IMPD a green light. In light of this, as well as the lack of charges brought against the cops who killed Gary Harrell, Frederick Davis, D’Armon Lamont Graves Jr., and others, the people are hosting a meeting with Mayor Joe Hogsett to discuss his course of action to stop these killings and hold those responsible to account.

A grouping of religious, community, and political organizations that have formed a coalition around the families of numerous recent IMPD victims will facilitate the meeting. We are asking everyone to fill out this form to guarantee Hogsett isn’t able to deny us this chance for open and democratic dialogue.

We will meet outside beforehand and ensure we don’t leave until we are satisfied with his response!
