How can we create a new system? PSL interest meeting
With a Trump presidency on the way and the Democrats offering no opposition, are you looking for a way to make real change?
With a Trump presidency on the way and the Democrats offering no opposition, are you looking for a way to make real change?
Now is not the time for despair but for urgent discussion and bold action. Let’s start building a real resistance today!
In 2021, the Democratic Party had control of the White House, the Senate, and the House but did nothing for the people.
Watch the national, state, and local elections with the people on Nov. 5!
Learn how you can be part of the revolutionary transformation of society at this welcoming event on 10/29.
Mirror Indy invites all voters 18 plus to their pre-election watch party on Nov. 3, with free food, drink specials, and a DJ!
Regardless of the outcome of the election, it will be the masses that decide what comes after. Learn more at our 10/30 Liberation Forum!
The community created a space for fighting for the working and oppressed of Indy. This year, let’s build on that foundation!
The real danger to Indianapolis is not “street takeovers,” but a racist, murderous police department.