ShotSpotter continues spying on Indianapolis
New surveillance technologies don’t make us safer; they just give IMPD more excuses to harass poor and oppressed people.
New surveillance technologies don’t make us safer; they just give IMPD more excuses to harass poor and oppressed people.
Only the library workers united with the community can eliminate the corrupt, racist, and anti-people IndyPL Board!
DePauw students hold an open panel to discuss the unprecedented investigation into and censorship of their educational experience.
An analysis on the struggle in Kenya.
Community members took charge of the planned meeting and voted on the formation of the coalition.
Another IU body denounces university’s use of violence against students and workers.
ANSWER Indiana supports Kenyan protestors’ initiative to advance ecological interventions that center social justice and the needs of the poor in confronting the climate crisis.
Shaka’s latest article describes the national liberation struggle of New Afrikans as part of the “western front” for emancipation.
“We was the generation that said ‘we can’t breathe,’” Kwame Shakur, Chairman of the newly-formed Black Liberation Party (BLP), told those virtually and physically present…