PSL statement: The working class must reject the New Cold War: 5 points of unity
The Party for Socialism and Liberation is advancing five basic points that can serve to unite those who oppose U.S. imperialism and support peace.
The Party for Socialism and Liberation is advancing five basic points that can serve to unite those who oppose U.S. imperialism and support peace.
Join local socialist organizers from the Party for Socialism and Liberation for coffee and snacks as we discuss local organizing initiatives, including the growing struggle against gentrification and for housing justice in the city of Indianapolis.
Join anti-war organizers and activists for a demonstration against the war in Ukraine. As residents of the United States, we call on our government to commit to no war with Russia and to end NATO expansion that led to the war in Ukraine in the first place. Hosted by ANSWER Indiana; CODEPINK; Communist Party of Indiana, CPUSA; Party for Socialism and Liberation, Indianapolis.
Join the PSL for this month’s liberation flick on the 25th where we will be showing the 2012 documentary Free Angela and All Political Prisoners, directed by Shola Lynch. The documentary details the life of political theorist and activist Angela Davis, her targeting by the FBI’s COINTELPRO program, and her 1972 trial.
The very existence of NATO poses a grave threat to peace around the world. It has been used to wage war on the peoples of former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Libya. There is nothing “defensive” about NATO — it is a tool for war and aggression.
The conflict currently exploding in Ukraine and rippling throughout the region and the entire world is hugely dangerous. The reckless and provocative actions of the U.S. government and its allies must cease immediately. #antiimperialism #antiwar #russia
The Indiana Senate Education and Career Development Committee heard hours of testimony against House Bill 1134 on Wednesday, after voting to amend the bill to…
Join the Indianapolis branch of the Party for Socialism and Liberation for an afternoon of discussions about the origins and aims of right-wing attacks on transgender student athletes in public schools and universities.