Spark at Midnight Media Club: Trans Day of Visibility

Monday, April 1
6:00 – 7:30 pm ET

Join the Midnight Riot and SPARK Reproductive Justice Now for their Midnight Media Club virtual meeting! All Rioters are Welcome to join the Midnight Media Club.

The Midnight Media Club explores diverse social justice topics monthly by holding community discussions of various media pieces. The club prioritizes inclusivity by embracing various mediums, ensuring all participants can connect with the programming based on their unique learning styles and time commitments. Beyond intellectual exploration, the Media Club catalyzes community building, fostering connections among its members.

This Midnight Media Club is in Collaboration with SparkRJ, a Reproductive Justice Organization based in Atlanta, Georgia! This meeting will discuss reproductive justice and honor Trans Day of Visibility!

We will be watching and reading:

  • Marquis Bey: Cistem failure & Cup of Gender (related reading: Heart of Cisness)
  • Nyla Moon: How not to date while trans
  • Adunni Ade: Tone it down
  • Indie Johnson: Sweetness

Register here!
