From study to action: Final meeting of Ghassan Kanafani study group
Study and discuss the final chapter of Ghassan Kanafani’s book “The Revolution of 1936-39 in Palestine” with ANSWER Indiana
Study and discuss the final chapter of Ghassan Kanafani’s book “The Revolution of 1936-39 in Palestine” with ANSWER Indiana
On 5/29, welcome pro-Palestinian activist Richard Becker for a talk on the 2nd edition of his essential book for the current moment.
Revisiting the last major protests in defense of Iran provides key historical and political context for understanding today’s struggle.
In this historical analysis, Richard Becker exposes the colonial roots of political Zionism.
Read the PLO’s 1968 Charter along with an editorial introduction that contextualizes the organization.
Holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer outlines his solidarity with the Palestinian resistance struggle.
DePauw students denounce the university’s President and administration for their complicity in racism and genocide.
With an eye on our present moment and role in Indy,organizers and activists will discuss the political vision we’re struggling for.
Deepening our internationalist analysis uncovers the truth behind the U.S. propaganda machine and generates inspiration for oppressed people everywhere.