“It’s a beautiful place and a beautiful experience”
The community’s generosity and belief in the Center’s vision were all on full display at our first fundraiser.
The community’s generosity and belief in the Center’s vision were all on full display at our first fundraiser.
Join the 9/26 Liberation Forum (feat. Union President Michael Torres) and discuss what a real people’s democracy could look like in Indy!
Only the library workers united with the community can eliminate the corrupt, racist, and anti-people IndyPL Board!
Library union says IPS Board violated their established laws when attempting to remove Lane from the library board.
Former whistleblower Bree Flannelly, IBLN member Mahasin Ameen, and Library Union President Michael Torres to speak in Lane’s support.
The collaboration, which Nikki Johnson called “restorative,” will advance both the IBLN and Center’s mission.
As Newfields purges Black leadership, we celebrate the Black revolutionary tradition here and worldwide.
Watch and read about a community celebration of Indy’s real library leader!
The majority of library board members learned about their own statement by reading it in the press.