Forward February: 29 days advancing our mission together
The people of Indy have continued to struggle together to and advance freedom and liberation for all.
The people of Indy have continued to struggle together to and advance freedom and liberation for all.
Watch this powerful discussion about revolutionary Pan-Africanism and the anti-imperialist struggle that shows why it is fundamental to struggles right here!
Featuring special guest speakers Shaka Shakur, Akili Shakur, Jenipher Jones, and others!
Support a mother in her fight against IDOC’s retaliatory ban on her visitation rights!
Identifying the root causes of mass incarceration reveals the system, not incarcerated people, is responsible for the “need” for prisons.
FOCUS not only aligns with, but adds a key ingredient to our mission of uniting to create the world we deserve.
The incredible support of the community has continued to allow the Center to grow its activity!
On Dec. 14, watch “They Stood Up” with the creators of the award-winning film!