ANSWER meeting: Building a people’s movement to defeat Trump
Jan. 21: Let’s keep building a real people-powered fight back movement.
Jan. 21: Let’s keep building a real people-powered fight back movement.
On Jan. 11, share ideas at a town hall and build for the counter-inauguration protest!
With Trump threatening tariffs on trade with several countries, what are their intended and most likely outcomes?
Don’t agonize, organize! On 12/11, we’ll fight hopelessness with an optimism grounded in reality.
The election was a referendum on the system, and the left needs to build a revolutionary force that can meet the mass desire for a new social order.
Saturday, 11/16, come share your ideas, questions, and concerns as we collectively produce our strategy to fight back in this era of repression.
In 2021, the Democratic Party had control of the White House, the Senate, and the House but did nothing for the people.
Regardless of the outcome of the election, it will be the masses that decide what comes after. Learn more at our 10/30 Liberation Forum!
On Sat., 8/24, join the PSL for a volunteer orientation followed by direct outreach.