Sat. FREE winter coats!

Saturday, December 18
2:00 – 3:00 pm
N. Pennsylvania & E. St. Claire St.
(across from the Central Library)

This weekend, the Party for Socialism and Liberation will be giving away free winter coats to poor and working-class city residents. The coat distribution, which will take place across from the Indianapolis Central Library, was made possible by a month-long PSL project, “Warm the people: Coats for Indy!”

Thanks to the support of local businesses–Solace Skateshop, Indy Hot Lamb, and Irvington Vinyl & Books–that served as drop-off locations, Indianapolis residents donated their new and gently used winter coats throughout November and December.

As the weather gets colder and the system continues to dismiss and disregard the people’s needs, it’s important for us to take care of each other in whatever ways we can as we fight for a more just system.
