Rivet! invites all to build community through play

Saturday, November 9
4:00 – 7:00 pm
Indianapolis Liberation Center

In lieu of the election results, the need for community is at an all time high. Join Rivet!, an Indianapolis based adult recess group, on Saturday from 4:00 to 7:00 pm for a “Grieve and Relieve” Emergency Recess at the Liberation Center. This is a targeted indoor play session, featuring games selected to deepen your sense of community through playful vulnerability, sharing, low stress improv, teamwork, partnered, and group collaborative games, perfect for all abilities.

Water and light snacks will be provided, players are welcome to bring their own.
This session will feature low intensity games involving sitting, standing and some light moving of the limbs.

Because our focus is on accessibility, inclusivity, and safety, a group warm-up will be performed at the beginning of our session. Game line-ups will be determined on site, by the number of participants, and observable ability. All bodies, and minds are encouraged to join. There is no barrier to entry for play.
Please note, that this is an event for teens and adults. To ensure the safety of all players, small children may not be permitted to participate, yet separate space is available for children to play together.
