Peace in an era of “Great Power Competition:” ANSWER meeting

Tuesday, July 9
6:00 pm
Indianapolis Liberation Center

This monthly meeting takes place in between the historic June 8 protest in D.C. and the upcoming July 24 protest against Netanyahu. This is not the first iteration of the Palestinian Intifada, and in order to understand why the Palestinian struggle has taken center stage, we have to discuss the overall geopolitical situation in which we find ourselves: the end of uncontested U.S. domination over the globe.

As such, this month’s ANSWER Indiana agenda includes:

  • A presentation and discussion of anti-imperialism in the era of “Great Power Competition;”
  • Why we should and how we can push back against the U.S. media and politicians’ demonization of China and Russia;
  • A short documentary screening on the origins and first 10 years of the ANSWER Coalition;
  • How to become a member of ANSWER Indiana and receive regular communications about events and actions!

Building a better world starts with deliberate planning and political action. Successful social movements are not the result only of spontaneous action in the streets, but also require discipline, dedication, and democratic mechanisms—in short, organization.

Volunteering, joining, and supporting ANSWER Indiana

The ANSWER Coalition (Act Now To Stop War and End Racism) is an organization that has spent the past 20 years connecting, organizing and learning through multiple struggles and movements around the nation. As we grow and move through the ebbs and flow of struggle we continue to build our long-term vision for justice in our communities and around the globe.

If you are interested in working with ANSWER Indiana as a member, volunteer, or supporter, there is no better time than now. Help us build a movement that not only opposes the U.S.’s criminal wars and occupations, sanctions regimes, and IMPD racist killings, but works toward putting an end once and for all to imperialism and bigotry through organizing.

No experience needed to join the struggle today. Visit to learn more and fill out the form below to get involved today!

Join the local peace movement!

Featured photo: An ANSWER Coalition march to protest increasing U.S. aggression in what the Pentagon has declared the era of “Great Power Competition.” Credit: ANSWER Coalition.
