Pendleton 2 in motion: Revolutionary art for Black August

Friday, August 23
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Fonseca-Du Bois Gallery
Indianapolis Liberation Center

The Fonseca-Du Bois Gallery, powered by Arte Mexicano en Indiana, is honored to host an interactive art opening by the Pendleton 2 Defense Committee. The sketches by THEKING TRILL and Tony Styxx convey the struggle of the Pendleton 2, Christopher Naeem Trotter and John Balagoon Cole, in a vivid, striking, and inviting manner.

The opening reception includes a panel discussion of the Pendleton 2 case, documentary, and the process and stories behind the art’s production. After the panel, you’re invited to a collective art-making session. A facilitator will help all of us express our reflections on the Pendleton 2 and the Black August freedom struggle creatively.

As with all events in our Fourth Friday series, the exhibit, panel, discussion, and workshop will unlock an immense creative potential in us—oppressed and exploited people—regardless of any credentials, formal training, or perceptions of ourselves as “artistic.” This opening and participatory workshop is further evidence of what Stephen Jay Gould expressed in The Panda’s Thumb: “I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.”

Pendleton 2 Black August week of action

The opening is one of several other important actions to advance the struggle to free the Pendleton 2. Be sure to check out and attend the other events organized by the Pendleton 2 Defense Committee:

“Laundering Black rage:” Book talk with Too Black and Rasul A. Mowatt
Tuesday, August 20, 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Center for Black Literature and Culture (40 E. St. Claire St.)

Authors Too Black and Rasul A. Mowatt discuss their book, Laundering Black rage: The washing of Black death, people, property, and profits. All proceeds from the book sales go to the Pendleton 2.

Pendleton 2 Rally
Saturday, August 24, 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Monument Circle

Come out and let your voice be one of many demanding the freedom of the Pendleton 2 and all political prisoners!

“Pendleton 2: They stood up” screening
Sunday, August 25, 12:00 – 2:00 pm
Kan Kan Cinema (1258 Windsor St.)

As part of the Indianapolis Black Film Festival, you can end the week of action by watching the award-winning documentary film, “The Pendleton 2: They stood up,” directed by committee members Too Black and THEKINGTRILL.

For more information about any of the above events, please check out the Pendleton 2 Defense Committee website or email them at!

