March for Medicare for All, July 23

Monument Circle @ 12:30 pm

Indiana State House @ 1:00 pm

RSVP on Eventbrite!

The Indianapolis branch of the Party for Socialism and Liberation are participating in a march and rally for Medicare for All on July 23, 2022. We’re standing up and fighting back against this brutal system, one that leaves hundreds of thousands of Hoosiers and millions of Americans with no health care coverage, to demand Medicare for All— and nothing less! Providing free, high-quality health care is not some pie-in-the-sky dream; it’s something realizable in the now. It just takes a working class movement to fight for it.

Join us as we continue building a movement to win:

  • Medicare for All and nothing less!
  • Health care as a human right!
  • Money for health care, not for cops and corporations!