Liberation Forum: What’s behind IMPD’s reign of terror?

Friday, October 29
6:00 pm
Indianapolis Liberation Center
55 S. State Ave., 3rd floor

Join PSL Indianapolis for our October Liberation Forum, where we’ll hear from organizers on pressing issues facing our class!

In response to the brutal, racist attack by cops against Jermaine Vaughn, IMPD Chief of Police Randal Taylor recently stated that police violence was a “one-off” event and the IMPD was “swiftly” eliminating police brutality. This couldn’t be further from the truth. 

Last month, Vaughn was brutally attacked by two cops after they handcuffed him for the “crime” of “yelling” on the street. One of the cops involved, Matthew Shores, used force over 300 times, the majority against Black residents, who comprise only 28 percent of the city’s population. The killers of Aaron Bailey, Dreasjon Reed, McHale Rose, and so many other IMPD killer cops not only walk around free, but continue to police and oppress poor and working-class neighborhoods.

Join us as we place this recent attack in historical and political context, discussing the ways the community has and continues to fight back.


Indianapolis is rapidly gentrifying, displacing and surveilling poor and working-class communities. We’ll examine the dynamics of gentrification, showing how it’s a systemic process that’s intrinsic to capitalism itself, before showing the ways we can not only resist specific gentrification processes, but eliminate the system that produces it altogether.

Why is it that there’s always money for developers and cops to gentrify neighborhoods, or for the U.S. to bomb, sanction, and blockade other nations, but never any money for health care? As we build momentum for the Nov. 8 protest to demand Medicare for All, we’ll show why such a reform is not only necessary but absolutely realizable, one that we can win as we struggle for a new social system altogether.
