The people’s election watch party

Tuesday, November 7
Doors open at 6:00 pm
Indianapolis Liberation Center
1800 N. Meridian St., Suite 305

This isn’t your typical election night watch party. A spontaneous community grouping calling ourselves “The Assembly of the Unrepresented” aren’t going to be cheering for any particular political party or candidate; we’ll be focusing on what the election results will mean for the most significant motor of social transformation: mass movements and community organizations of all kinds.

Socialize, drink, eat, and watch the results come in with your fellow community members, leaders, organizers, and others from across the city. More importantly, however, build relationships, learn about, and discuss matters most pertinent to the agents of change: all of us!

We’re assembling a group of speakers that represent the unrepresented, including Dr. Terri Jett, Josh Riddick of the Black Church Coalition, Will Hazen of IndyGo, and others! Each speaker will make brief remarks to prompt a discussion around questions such as:

  • What role do elections play in social struggles?
  • What is or can be the relationship between elected officials and the rest of us?
  • What possibilities or constraints do specific election results create?
  • How might the election impact our overall orientation as well as strategies and tactics?

