Hope Package assembly: New year, new hope!

Saturday, January 20
1:00 – 2:30 pm
Indianapolis Liberation Center

As the third Saturday of January 2024 approaches, we’re preparing to continue ringing in the new year just as we’ve done for the last three: by coming together, building unity, assembling Hope Packages, eating and socializing, discussing politics, sports, music, etc., and bridging the barriers imposed on us that divide so many from our homeless neighbors.

We have a solid stock of many supplies thanks to the community’s continued generosity. There are some items, however, that we need now that the weather is colder and others that we simply must replenish monthly. You can purchase these items directly from our Amazon wishlist and they will be sent to the Indianapolis Liberation Center:

You can also Donate to Hope Packages, which is now an independent entity operating under the umbrella of the Indianapolis Liberation Center. If possible, we encourage you to become a monthly Sustainer at whatever price you can consistently afford. The more Sustainers we have, the more reliably we can organize and distribute our packages!

When you donate to Hope Packages, you’re not only helping our homeless and unhoused community members survive, but you’re also working toward a larger overarching project of transforming our city so that, instead of giving hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to real estate developers and banks, we use that money to actually solve the structures that cause homelessness. Learn about the principles we use to guide our efforts. 10 Point Program!

Donations we cannot accept:

  • canned food
  • perishable food
  • used clothing

Featured photo credit: Brandy Cunningham.
