FOCUS Families Initiative: Our vision

The FOCUS Families Initiative is an organization associated with IDOC Watch and their abolitionist prison reentry organization, FOCUS Initiatives. LTD., which are now united as member-organizations of the Indianapolis Liberation Center.

FOCUS Families Initiative is specifically organized to address issues faced by family members and loved ones of incarcerated individuals.

It is our vision to activate empathy and sympathy to manifest a very present support system to deal with the various forms of oppression produced by the capitalist Prison Industrial Complex and massive U.S. mass incarceration system place on families of the incarcerated..

FOCUS Families believes the current exploitative practices of the Prison Industrial Complex need not be reformed; they must be done away with completely. At the same time, FOCUS Families works to help those with loved ones behind bars understand, navigate, and fight the numerous additional forms of oppression families must cope with when their loved ones are taken away and caged in dangerous facilities, including the unnecessary and costly measures that limit and even prevent communication.

FOCUS: Forever On Course United in Solidarity!

Read more about our plans to achieve this vision here.

If you want to get involved, sign up!
