Take action now: Defund the IMPD! Justice for Dreasjon Reed and McHale Rose!

Support this campaign by Indy10 Black Lives Matter, ANSWER Indiana, and the Party for Socialism and Liberation to DEFUND THE IMPD! The e-mails go directly to all Council members. Let’s flood their inboxes! You can find the form at the bottom of this page.

I am writing as a concerned resident regarding the policy of the City-County Council as it relates to the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department.

As budget meetings and contract negotiations approach for 2021, I am specifically requesting that you take the following actions related to government administration:

  • Make all budget meetings transparent, open to the public, and advertised through various local print and broadcast media channels so that the public can provide feedback.
  • Make all contract negotiations with the Fraternal Order of Police transparent, open to the public, and advertised through various local print and broadcast media channels so that the public can provide feedback.

I am further urging you to take the following policy actions, or to work with the proper authorities to carry these policies out:

  • Drastically reduce the funding of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, including through a reduction in force.
  • Eliminate all police departments affiliated with K-12 school corporations in Marion County and terminate school board contracts with IMPD.
  • Work with local universities to eliminate university police departments in Marion County and terminate university contracts with IMPD.
  • Liquidate the inventory, even at a loss, of any and all military surplus equipment acquired by the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department and Marion County Sheriff’s Department, and recommend the same to the included cities of Lawrence, Beech Grove, Speedway, and Southport. Do not sell or gift any military surplus equipment to any other law enforcement agency anywhere in the world.
  • Prohibit standard IMPD operations (patrol, traffic, community policing) from being conducted by armed officers. Adjust IMPD policy so that disarmed officers are the norm.
  • Use funds freed by the above policy actions to guarantee safe, quality housing to all people experiencing homelessness in Indianapolis.
  • End all cooperation by any law enforcement agency in Marion County with Immigration & Customs Enforcement.
  • End cash bail and other mechanisms of mass incarceration that heavily impact low-income people.

Send your e-mail now!

[The petition has expired]

Featured photo: PSL Indianapolis organizers and the family of McHale Rose shortly before his funeral. Credit: PSL Indianapolis and the Rose family.
