Study reveals racist enforcement of panhandling laws by IMPD
Black people disproportionately face arrest or citation by the IMPD enforcing existing panhandling laws.
Black people disproportionately face arrest or citation by the IMPD enforcing existing panhandling laws.
Un estudio, realizado por la Coalición ANSWER de Indiana después del fallo de la propuesta “no se siente, no se acueste.”
Around 100 people ensured the defeat of the anti-homeless “sit-lie” ordinance.
Several of the most egregious falsehoods have been selected and debunked by Answer Indiana.
Varias de las mentiras más ofensivas han sido seleccionadas y desacreditadas por la Coalición ANSWER de Indiana.
Fill the meeting room and demand that the committee and councilors reject the criminalization of homelessness in our city!
Llenaremos la sala de reuniones y exigiremos que el comité y concejales rechazarán la criminalización de sinhogarismo en nuestra ciudad!
Some politicians are exposing homeless people to police harassment and fines simply for existing