Our Mission and Vision

​​The Indianapolis Liberation Center is a physical and virtual community hub dedicated to advancing the causes of all marginalized, oppressed, exploited, and dispossessed people in Indianapolis and beyond by uniting and working to overcome the divisions imposed on us by the oppressing classes.

By engaging in regular and various kinds of educational, cultural, social, political, and other work, our mission is to foster a sense of collectivity and revive our community’s long-standing belief in the possibility and necessity of creating a different and better world.

Each of the hundreds of cultural, political, educational events, campaigns, meetings, workshops, and struggles we’ve led and hosted since our founding in January 2021 worked to facilitate collaboration between community members, organizers, and those who want to learn how to become organizers.

People of all ages are always welcome at the Indianapolis Liberation Center. We do not segregate based on age, and children are encouraged to participate at Center events in whatever way they and/or their caretakers desire. To remove barriers to parents and other guardians remaining active and present as well, childcare is always immediately available upon request.

The Center is maintained solely by the work of volunteers and the donations of people from our community, our member organizations, and affiliated groups. While posing significant obstacles, it is the only way to ensure our complete political independence.
