Spread socialism: Hit the streets with our people!

Friday, January 31
1:00 pm
Indianapolis Liberation Center (meet-up point)

Support the Liberation Center’s fund drive to maintain our full-time staff!

“If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” – Malcolm X

Malcolm X’s words ring just as true today as they did when he spoke them six decades ago. Why? The same oppressors still own and control the major television, paper, digital, and other media sources (not to mention the algorithms that privilege some sources and bury or erase others).

If you feel nervous now, you won’t after

Because we don’t own the media, the Party for Socialism and Liberation holds weekly street outreach sessions that are open to all. In our alienated society, some people have an understandable fear or anxiety about starting social interactions. After a quick orientation and by pairing up with an experienced comrade, you’ll quickly get the hang of it and feel energized and optimistic about meeting other working and oppressed people.

Whether we’re spreading the word about upcoming actions and forums, handing out resource guides, or distributing newspapers, our people are overwhelmingly receptive to our message. After all, just because our enemies have a monopoly on the media doesn’t mean our people consume it uncritically. If you’re not careful, reading our local outlets owned by USA Today or Nextstar Media Group, or those funded by right-wing think-tanks like the Lumina Foundation, you might think Indianapolis is hopelessly backwards and our people are ignorant.

The opposite is the case. When we go into our communities and neighborhood, we interact in real time with real people, people just like us who know the system is working exactly as intended and are looking for a real solution to their problems. They aren’t always ready to take the next step, but they know where to find us and that we’ll be back to help when they’re faced with a struggle they can’t overcome alone.


After a quick introduction and orientation, we’ll hit the streets together for about an hour. We’ll build the movement to transform society one person at a time. We’ll have hand-warmers ready but dress for the weather. Our class doesn’t have the privilege of taking every cold or rainy day off. Our oppressors never stop spreading their propaganda to try and convince us we should love them and hate each other… and neither will we!

This week, we’ll be promoting a few events and dialoguing with our neighbors about the issues they’re facing and how we can work collectively to solve them.

To get to the Center, you can walk, bike, take the Red or Purple Line to 18th and Meridian, or drive and park for free in the lot or parking garage right next to our office on 18th St.

Featured photo: A PSL organizer doing outreach at the “We Fight Back!” January 20 counter-inauguration protest. Credit: PSL Indianapolis.
